ICEA is a non-profit consortium in which bodies, associations, companies and civil society organizations participate. It checks and certifies several thousand companies that carry out their business in respect of mankind and the environment, protecting the dignity of workers and the rights of consumers. ICEA was born from the experience of AIAB (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture). ICEA’s commitment, therefore, starts from organic and from the idea of ​​a sustainable and solidarity economy model, and goes beyond organic, heading towards an economy and lifestyles that require a responsible conversion of methods, systems and practices . A territorial network with 20 offices in Italy to bring services closer to the needs of companies, to work in close connection with the reference area and enrich the Institute’s know-how. ICEA proposes the development of schemes, regulations and disciplinary functional to support the growth of entities, companies and institutions in the field of sustainability and corporate social responsibility through the work of relationships with private subjects, professionals, local authorities, professional associations and categories, Italian and international universities and research centers. The institutional aim is to create value for customers and for the other subjects of the certification system, to be pursued in compliance with the principles of social and environmental responsibility, in a continuous search for the improvement of the code of ethics and corporate behavior.